recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy
of all information provided by users of our website
and respect the same with the highest degree. Shubhashaya.com
does not collect any personal information from our
visitors, vendors, or other agencies, firms, companies
that provide goods and services through our website.
The email addresses of the sender and recipient are
used only for the purpose of sending the Greeting
cards and are neither used for any other purpose nor
shared with anybody else. Occasionally news and announcements
about the site may be sent to the users of the site
only for their information. Visitors to the website
providing information through email or our feedback
forms in the site are assured that their email address
or any other information that they might provide us
would not be shared by Shubhashaya.com to any agency
and would not be disclosed to anyone without the express
consent of the individual or company concerned. Shubhashaya.com
does not need any personal information from our vistors
and as such does not collect them.
our visitors have questions or concerns about Shubhashaya.com's
Privacy Policy or disclosure of your personal information,
if collected, please email us at Shubhashaya@gmail.com